of Terms: Albany UUP Chapter
Agency Fee Payers: Members
of the bargaining unit who have not signed a union card.
Non-union members pay the "Agency Fee" to UUP, which is
equivalent to what UUP members pay, but do not have a voice in
the union.
Article 33: The provision of the
Contract that concerns job security review procedures, providing
a Chancellor’s level appeals process for tenure cases. Article
33 matters are not subject to grievance procedures.
Bargaining unit:
Employees within the State University have been separated
into various
"bargaining units"
by the Public Employee
Relations Board (PERB) for the purpose of collective
bargaining. Each bargaining unit is made up of titles which,
in the view of the Board, share a "community of interest"
with respect to terms and conditions of employment, as do
the Academics and Professional members of UUP.
By-Laws: The Albany
UUP Chapter runs according to a set of By-Laws: they can be
found at
Bargaining: The process of negotiation between
representatives of UUP, whose Negotiating Unit is comprised
of faculty and non-teaching professional staff within the
State University system, and the Governor's Office of
Employee Relations (GOER) in respect of the terms and
conditions of employment of employees, such as salary, hours
of work, working conditions, grievance procedures, and the
rights and responsibilities of the union. The result of the
negotiation is a collective bargaining agreement or
contract. UUP represents SUNY employees exclusively. Its
membership consists of faculty, librarians and those
non-teaching professionals, other than
management/confidential, whose functions support instruction
or academic administration.
Professional and Academic staff who are on a temporary or term
appointment and who have no path to a permanent position. Part
timers are always contingent employees.
Contract: Also known as the
Agreement. The formal negotiated relationship between UUP and
the State of New York. Note: the Contract is not between UUP and
SUNY, but with the Executive Branch of NY State.
Delegate: For every 75 members at
a chapter, one delegate is elected to represent members at the
statewide UUP Delegate Assemblies, which are currently held
three times a year. The Delegate Assembly is the policy-making
body of UUP. Delegates serve two-year terms, and elections take
place in odd-numbered years. Anyone who is a member can run for
delegate. Each chapter has both Professional and Academic
delegates, which are elected by their particular constituencies.
Discretionary Salary Awards (DSA): The
annual pool of money distributed to each college which is not
paid on base salary. For the current academic year 2013-14, the
total pool is 0.5% of UUP payroll. These are one-time bonuses
(awarded at the Discretion of the President), divided 28% to
Contingent employees and 72% to those with Permanent or
Continuing Appointment. This is the first time contingent
employees have been assured a representative portion of the
discretionary money. In past contracts, Discretionary Salary
Increases (DSI) have been awarded, which are added to base. The
current contract does not include DSI.
Deficit Reduction Program (DRP): also
known as "furlough days." A provision in the most recent UUP
contract (and in all the NYS public sector union contracts) that
entitles the state to extract money from employees in order to
yield savings for the state agencies. UUP employees will have
their salaries reduced by the equivalent of nine days of pay
over the course of fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15. The cash
value of seven of these days will be repaid to employees at the
end of the contract. Two days, however, will not be repaid.
Employees will take those two days off from work without pay. It
is up to the campus President to determine how the two days
leave will be taken.
Executive Committee (EC): At the Albany
Chapter, the EC is comprised of all elected Delegates and
Officers. It meets on average of once per month and is presided
over by the chapter President. The by-laws grant the Executive
Committee considerable authority to oversee and direct the
Deactivation: "When a State
University of New York (University) campus makes a decision not
to admit any more students to a program but to maintain the
program registration, this action is referred to as
deactivation. The deactivation date is the first regular
admission date as of which new students will no longer be
permitted to enroll in the program. A program is often
deactivated to allow time for a campus to determine whether to
continue the program offering or to reorganize the program
structure and/or resources." Quoted from
Grievance: a dispute concerning
the interpretation, application or claimed violation of a
specific term or provision of the Contract.
Interrogation: A formal
meeting called in response to an alleged disciplinary
infraction. According to the contract (Article 19): "An employee
shall be provided the opportunity to have representation at an
interrogation if at the time such interrogation is commenced it
is contemplated by management that such employee will be served
a Notice of Discipline pursuant to Article 19 of this
Agreement." Employees who are uncertain about the nature of a
request for job-related questioning by a supervisor should ask
two questions: 1) Is the employee being interrogated under
Article 19; 2) Is the employee being required to answer the
supervisor’s questions or face being referred for discipline or
non-compliance. If the answer to either question is yes, the
employee is entitled to and should request union representation.
Improper Practice (IP): A claimed
violation of the New York State Public Employees Fair Employment
Act (Taylor Law), the 1967 law that governs public employees. IP
claims are brought by UUP statewide and decided by the Public
Employees Relations Board (PERB).
Labor/Management: Monthly
meetings between chapter officers and representatives of the
university administration. The campus President is required to
attend Labor Management meetings at least once per semester. The
purpose of these meetings is to provide a forum to discuss,
consider and attempt to resolve, where appropriate and
consistent with the terms of the Agreement, matters of interest
to either or both parties.
LRS (Labor Relations Specialist):
NYSUT labor relations specialists are the subject matter experts
for the chapter. The LRS advocates on behalf of the members at
the local level in front of impartial arbitrators and at the
Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), acts as consultant,
communicator, trainer and facilitator to resolve local issues on
behalf of the chapter and as liaison to the statewide
Management: Employees of the
University may be designated as managerial only if they are
persons (a) who formulate policy or (b) who may reasonably be
required on behalf of the public employer to assist directly in
the preparation for and conduct of collective negotiations or to
have a major role in the administration of agreements or in
personnel administration provided that such role is not of a
routine or clerical nature and requires the exercise of
independent judgment. Employees may be designated as
confidential only if they are persons who assist and act in a
confidential capacity to managerial employees described in
clause (b) Management Confidential employees are not part of any
union bargaining unit, but rather represent the employer.
Member: A person counted among the
bargaining unit of UUP who has signed a membership card. Members
get access to certain negotiated benefits, and can participate
as voting members in chapter and statewide union matters.
NYSUT (New York State United Teachers):
A federation of more than 1,200 local unions, including UUP,
each representing its own members in the fields of K-12
education, higher education, and healthcare. See for more information.
Officers: At the Albany UUP
chapter, Elected Officers include: President, Vice President for
Academics, Vice President for Professionals, Assistant Vice
President for Academics, Assistant Vice President for
Professionals, Secretary, Treasurer, and Officer for
Contingents. Appointed officers include an Affirmative Action
Designee, and Grievance Chairperson.
O'Leary Memo: This refers to
a non-negotiated, non-binding memorandum issued in 1989 by then
SUNY Albany President Vincent O'Leary. It is referred to, at
times, to justify a teaching load of 3 courses per semester by
tenured faculty. It holds no legal weight and cannot be used as
a justification to determine workload. See
for more information.
Past Practice: This is where a
term and condition of employment NOT contained in the collective
bargaining agreement has occurred over a long enough period that
it is required to be continued unchanged unless negotiated to
conclusion to change it.
A document written by the professional employee’s
immediate supervisor stipulating the employee’s duties and
responsibilities, the objectives to be met, and the
criteria for evaluating their achievement. It is the basis
for annual formal evaluations. Copies of this program,
signed and dated by the professional employee and the
immediate supervisor, shall be distributed to the
professional employee and the evaluator's supervisor, and a
copy shall be placed in the professional employee's
personnel file. If the supervisor and the employee do not
concur on the performance program, the employee has the
right to attach a statement to the performance program
within 10 working days from receipt.
Termination of the employment of any academic or professional
employee during any appointment, other than a temporary
appointment which may be terminated at any time, as a result of
financial exigency, reallocation of resources, reorganization of
degree or curriculum offerings or requirements, reorganization
of academic or administrative structures, programs or functions
or curtailment of one or more programs or functions
University-wide or at such level of organization of the
University as a College, department, unit, program or such other
level of organization of the University as the Chancellor, or
designee, deems appropriate. Retrenchment procedures are
governed by Article 35 of the Contract.
Taylor Law: Establishes the
right of public employees to organize and bargain collectively
with their employers; the right to representation by employee
organizations (unions) of their own choosing; the requirement
that public employers (including school districts) negotiate
with their employees and enter into written agreements
(contracts) with their employees' chosen representatives;
procedures for resolution of contract disputes (impasses);
prohibition of improper labor practices by either side; creation
of the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) to administer
the law; and the requirement that bargaining unit members who
choose not to join a union pay an agency fee, and that use of
the fee for political and ideological purposes only incidentally
related to bargaining and to which the agency fee payer objects,
is subject to a rebate procedure. The Taylor Law denies public
employees the right to strike.